
Well, Summertime is Over.

Summer is almost over.  I grew some tomatoes,

saw some penguins at the Maryland Zoo,

watched the elephants go for a swim on one of the
hottest days in Baltimore while running the youth activities
for the OI International Convention,

rode the Trailblazer (my favorite roller coaster because
of the nice trees) twice at Hershey Park,
fed some ducks,

rode the monorail,

taught a non-traditional printing workshop at MICA,
visited with good friends and family, made some art,
read a lot of books, and on the last day of summer vacation
I bailed out the cellar stairwell during an intense thunderstorm
after grocery shopping.  Overall, action packed and time
well spent.


scotta 2706 said...

You forgot to mention bocce ball and the great success of the high rollers!

TLF said...

I know! I played lots of bocce this summer and it was so fun! My team, the High Rollers, will still be going strong in the weeks to come, so I guess that's why I didn't mention it. Summer vacation is over, but the bocce keeps on going!