
Sets and Pairs

I've started adding sets of place mats and pairs of tea towels to
my Etsy shop, plus I've introduced some new colors and tea set
themed flour sack tea towels.  


Rabbit Valentine 2011

This is #6 out of 29 hand painted Valentines I recently
finished and will soon mail out.  It is the year of the

rabbit after all.

Universal Order of Armageddon

An old friend's band reunited after many, many years and played
a beautiful set the other night.  A few days later I drew this after
having their songs stuck in my head all week.  This is what they look
like when they play.  It would be fun to animate this drawing (flip book
style) to one of their songs.


The Sketchbook Project-Cover

The Sketchbook Project #41

This is the final entry into my 
sketchbook for the sketchbook
project.  Soon, I will mail my book
to Brooklyn, New York and from
there it will go on tour.  I will try
to visit it when it is in DC.

The Sketchbook Project #40

Germinate, Flower, Pollinate

The Sketchbook Project #39

Views of the Heart

The Sketchbook Project #38

Bell in a Vacuum

The Sketchbook Project #37

Archimedes-Bouyant Force
