

Monochromatic #6-Neighbors in Green.

The 6th entry in my "monochromatic" themed
sketchbook for the Sketchbook Project 2012 is a view
of our neighbor's houses from our back porch in


Monochromatic #5-Yellows.

A collage of yellow with gouache.

Monochromatic #4-Telephone Blues.

After a bit of a break from the Sketchbook
Project, I've started back up.  My theme
for this book is "monochromatic" and I've
been working on it page by page in proper
sequence.  In the 2011 Sketchbook Project
I worked throughout the book at random.



Bullfrogs at a supermarket.


Well, Summertime is Over.

Summer is almost over.  I grew some tomatoes,

saw some penguins at the Maryland Zoo,

watched the elephants go for a swim on one of the
hottest days in Baltimore while running the youth activities
for the OI International Convention,

rode the Trailblazer (my favorite roller coaster because
of the nice trees) twice at Hershey Park,
fed some ducks,

rode the monorail,

taught a non-traditional printing workshop at MICA,
visited with good friends and family, made some art,
read a lot of books, and on the last day of summer vacation
I bailed out the cellar stairwell during an intense thunderstorm
after grocery shopping.  Overall, action packed and time
well spent.


Monochromatic #3-A Sacrifice

My third sketch in my sketchbook is of
the tomatoes sliced up in gouache on
a watercolor wash background.  I've
always wanted to try gouache and can't
believe I've waited this long.  I love it!


Non-Traditional Printing Workshop-July 12th.

Come by and learn Non-Traditional Printing with BEST member Tricia Lane-Forster of Tlane!
Our partnership with Etsy and MICA (see "I Heart Art" side bar) continues to bring wonderful workshops to the community.  We will be holding another BEST-led workshop on Tuesday, July 12th at the MICA Fox Building, Room 218, from 7-9pm.  In this workshop Tricia Lane-Forster ofTlane will be demonstrating a wide variety of printing techniques to embellish fabric surfaces. Lino-cut (using erasers), collograph, found object printing, and freezer paper stenciling will all be demonstrated.

Those attending will be given one cotton tea towel on which to experiment and will be provided with silkscreen ink.
Attendees  should bring:
  • one rectangle plastic eraser
  • a pencil  for drawing, a sketchbook
  • one sponge, an ex-acto knife
  • cotton  fabric to print on
There are only 20 spots, so be sure to RSVP!

For more information about the I Heart Art program, see our sidebar to the right or visit the I Heart Art website!

Another Sketchbook Project-Monochromatic is the Theme.

Sketch #1-Summer Tomatoes.


Last Day of School.

Old fans in the hallway before the big move.

A rubbish shoot on the second floor.

Inside the old elevator.

Goodbye Old Classroom.

A final view of my old classroom on the last day of school.

Before packing....with bikes.

I will miss the green floor.

No more chalkboards, dry erase next year.


Weird Old Art Supplies.

I couldn't believe the things I found in my classroom as I cleaned, 
sorted, and discarded.  From a mink stole, to fake rubber food, 
enough driftwood to build a house, and by far really cool, weird 
old art supplies with really cool packaging.

Closet and Drawers....The Storage!

I will miss the closet, the cabinets, and
the drawers in my old classroom because
they reminded me of the history of the
school and the many art teachers who
taught there before me.


Things I Will Miss After the Renovation Continued...Patterns.

The inside of my classroom's closet..ceiling.

An old linoleum cutting board.

The floor in the hallways.

My classroom's floor, an old lunch tray, the sink.


More Things I'll Miss After The Renovation

So, as strange as it might be, I'm going to miss this
door vent.  The letters are a little bit worn and I thought
the vent said "Panflouvre" leading me to write a short
story about Panflouvre:  The Floppy Eared Bunny from
.  Later I did some research and it turns out that
the label says Pan Louvre, which just means door vent.
Still the real wood doors and lovely tiles may not be around
after the summer and I'll miss them.

Again, strange, I know, but I'll miss this
metal sanitary napkin dispenser that probably
hasn't had Kotex in it to dispense for
decades.  There is just something lovely

 about the aesthetic here.  The blue tiles 
and the font and the 5 cents price.